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Mermaid Wavess

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4 Life Lessons Ballet Has Taught Me

I have been doing ballet since I could walk; and it has been quite the journey, filled with lots of tutus and even more tears.  Ballet teaches you so many valuable lessons that aren't often taught outside the studio.  I will always carry with me the lessons I have learned in the ballet studio, and

Life Update: Un-Gap Year

Hey babes! I get a lot of questions about what the heck I am doing with my life since I have graduated high school.  As you have probably figured out I decided not to go to college and to pursue the things I love, dance and fashion.  A lot of people seem to assume I am taking a gap year and I just

The Most Instagram Worthy Restaurants in Chicago

Your guide to Chicago's prettiest food! Subscribe to our mailing list to receive the FREE guide. Including four pages of restaurants, what I order, and an interactive map to help you get there.Pin Now and Read Later!

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